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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Straight From The Page: Book Buying and Folly

Happy Tuesday, everyone! Well, the fair ended Sunday night. It was so much fun, as always, but I think Lizzy was ready to get home! Showing went well, and even though we've had a major heat wave in NH these last couple of days, we were able to keep the animals cool. So it's all good! I need to get some more pictures of the sheep on the blog. They're just so stinkin' cute.

I don't really have anything to say about what I've been reading lately. This last week was so busy (think up at five, asleep after 11, every day kind of busy) that not much reading got done. My thoughts are generally the same as last week. Rather than bore you with repetition, I'm going to share my new favorite way to get books...

I love books.

I love owning books.

Books are expensive.

I'm cheap.

Recently, I've been using an awesome little thing called Paperback Swap. Paperback Swap is a website that allows you to post books you don't want anymore by simply typing in their ISBN number. Other people can then order the book, which gives you a credit. All books are bought with credits, so there's no absolutely no purchasing! The sender only pays shipping. And yes, that sounds scary, but it really isn't. I've never spent more than $3.

The best part about PBS is that it feels like you're on a major shopping spree! It's so much fun to know that soon a new book will be waiting in the mailbox. :) Call me a nerd, but I usually 'shop' PBS with my Goodreads tab open, so I can get as many from my to-read shelf as possible. :)

Here's what's arrived from PBS recently...

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. This is in preparation for lit class in the fall. I've read it when I was younger, and I just love Twain, so I'm looking forward to reading it again.

An Assembly Such As This (Fitzwilliam Darcy, Gentleman, No. 1) by Pamela Aidan. Alright, now I'm really excited about this!! I'm a huge Austen fan, but I've always been fairly cautious when it comes to spin offs. When I found this book on Goodreads, however, it really caught my attention. It's basically Pride and Prejudice, from the eyes of Mr. Darcy. Based on reviews, it sounds like it's pretty good. I'm still slightly cautious, but definitely excited to start reading this!

Beginnings of American Literature (Classics for Christians Vol. 3) and Literature of the American People (Classics for Christians Vol. 4). These are also books for lit class. We're going to be doing a lot of short-story reading, and both of these should have most of the ones we're covering.

And for good measure, here's our quote. :)

"'Folly it may seem,' said Haldir. 'Indeed in nothing is the power of the Dark Lord more clearly shown than in the estrangement that divides all those who still oppose him.'"

-The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien, Book II, Chapter VI, Lothlorien

Thanks for reading! :)

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