Hello everyone! I'm back, after a very lovely time camping. We went with some good family friends of ours, just like we've done for the past six or seven years. It's a great tradition and always something we look forward to! We hiked Mount Chocorua on day, which is a nine mile hike and reaches 2600 feet. We also did a full day of river exploring by canoe, played tennis without rules, and played our traditional kick ball game. Good food, including our dutch oven Chinese feast, sealed the deal on this trip. :)
The Summit |
It's funny how a vacation seems to give me a real inspiration boost. Maybe it's the fresh air, or the screen-free time, or the simply the fact that it's a change of scenery, but trips always leave me fresh and ready to work. Right now I have so many ideas, I hardly know what to do with them! I want to read, swim, write, cook, sew, and clean all at the same time. It's great, though; it finally feels like summer's here and ready to be enjoyed! I've got quite a few goals, both big and small, floating around my head at the moment. I can't wait to share them with all of you, but I think I'll wait until I have the chance to devote a whole post to it. :)
Talk about feeling top of the world. |
Life is beautiful, busy, carefree, and hard working right now. Though I'm a proud defender of all four seasons, I love that summer so often brings us back to a simpler time when all that really matters is good food and friendship. The world is always moving in a scary direction, and the only way to stop it is to stand up and fight. But sometimes, a couple days of simple pleasure is needed to give you the strength to fight. That's what I'm enjoying right now, and I hope that you are, too. :)
Life is lovely, people! Hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far!
That looks like an awesome place to vacation to!