This ALW is coming to you from somewhere on I-95 in Georgia, on our way home from SeaWorld! Last night was closing night of Winter Wonderland on Ice, and today we are on our way home. To be honest, I am sad to no longer be doing an ice show but am also extremely happy to be home for a bit. I miss Bear! And my local friends. And my kitchen, and my normal daily rhythm. This contract (my sixth!) really showed me that I am excited and ready to do more shows, but I am also happy to get to spend at least a few more months at home before running off to the circus again.
MONDAY, 12.27.21
Monday morning I picked up Chris from the bus station. He had spent Christmas down in Ft. Lauderdale (I got to visit for a fast 12 hours Christmas Eve through Christmas morning!) with family, and then he took the bus up to Orlando to me. We stopped by Trader Joe's for some essentials and then spent the rest of the day organizing and prepping some food before we both headed into the park for the show. We actually had to go in early for a fast re-block last minute, so to be honest the night was fun but a little stressy. This was his first time seeing the show this whole contract!
TUESDAY, 12.28.21
Tuesday was another pretty chill day. We had a covid scare in the cast so we all essentially hunkered down and didn't socialize much outside of the show for the rest of the week. I'm actually pretty happy Chris was able to be here, otherwise this would have been a pretty lonely and even more sad time. We did so well this whole contract! It was sad to be dealing wit covid issues right at the end.
WEDNESDAY, 12.29.21
Covid tests were actually pretty hard to find in FL. We spent 4.5 hours Wednesday morning waiting at a drive-up testing site for a rapid. Even with the long wait though, the place was really efficient and well run. Just lots of people waiting too! We got our results emailed by the time we got back to the hotel and we were both negative. Definitely a big relief. Chris' parents came up from Ft. Lauderdale, and they got to see the shows that night and hang in the park for a few hours.
THURSDAY, 12.30.21
After a slow morning in the hotel to ourselves we got into the park early with Chris' parents, around 12:30. We spent the day seeing all the animals and riding Atlantis (a must!), and just look at that baby manatee! So sweet. I love how they almost hold onto the rocks with their little flippers. Then off I went to work and they got to see the shows that night!
FRIDAY, 12.31.21
Most of my cast mates at their significant others and partners at the show, and it was so fun having a little wives club out in the audience. Some night highlights were: running through the park last minute to buy everyone pretzels so they didn't have to leave their seats, getting to go out for photos with my cousins, running out for opening positions of the midnight show and watching a cast-mate have an epic fall in the dark haha, turning around to see everyone with crazy Christmas lights in the audience, and getting to have a New Year's kiss with Chris in my skates, right outside of the tunnel. A fantastic day, all around.
Saturday was a quiet day....everyone was still tired after NYE and we were still dealing with covid stuff. Chris and I bopped into the park (fully masked and sanitized, even with our negative tests) early to see the dolphin show, but otherwise it was just a workday. Hard to see in this photo but the way I pouf my hair for the show really shows off the little gray streak I'm starting to get!
SUNDAY 1.2.21
Sunday we closed! A busy day of packing, lots of bittersweet goodbyes, a walrus stuffed animal from Chris, and a bloopers video showing afterwards at the hotel. Then a late bedtime and up early to get back home...phew. Another contract in the books!
There were lots of special moments in this cast and with this show, but for right now I am excited to be heading back home and heading into the new year with lots of fresh starts. This week I'll share more thoughts from the year, and also a wrap up and photo dump from this show. Lots of thoughts to share! In the meantime, hope everyone's first Monday of 2022 is off to a great start. :)
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