5 Epic Things That Happened This Month:
+Had a truly awesome Saturday getting coffee and chatting with Dia, then going to see our brothers in Guys and Dolls together! Oh and we had pizza. So the day was basically perfect.
+Had a 'soft' critique with my theater on ice team, as prep for our 'hard' critique coming up this month!
+Wrote some of the longest journal entries of my life. I'm talking 5+ pages in my impossible-to-read cursive. I think I'm just going to make an official statement that brain dumping is my love language.
+Got a second job lined up that will hopefully grown and expand, and got offered a new position at my regular job, which I had to turn down (cuz of timing), but was exciting to be offered, nonetheless.
+Ate some ridiculously good doughnuts. Also, those Cadburry mini eggs are back!!
Goals for Next Month:
+Stay focused! I've got lots of writing projects, school and otherwise, that need to happen this month. A literature essay, a psychology research paper, and a speech for 4-H. Plus I want to really hustle with my other school stuff and keep blogging. Busy busy!
+Do some much-needed shopping. It seems silly to write it as a goal, but I've been putting this off since Christmas.
+Push myself in each skating practice, learn my new routine, do more yoga, and go to Vermont Theater on Ice Festival (!!!).
+Be aware of my attitude, and work on approaching life with more kindness and hustle and positivity.
On the Blog:
+This month we talked about how heroines aren't guaranteed a hero, and then overthought about song lyrics and movies and Pixar shorts. I also shared a random list of stuff I love, and we wrapped up by talking about all those things you've always wanted to do.
Recommended Reads:
+15 Things All BA, Fearless Alpha Women Do Differently. A motivating read that will have you doing the Wonder Woman pose all. day. long.
+2015 US Nationals Joshua Farris Short Program. I didn't get to watch any of the men's skates during Nationals, so I was going back and watching some favorites on Youtube. Let's just say I'm in love with this program and have watched it, like, five times.
+The Nectar Collective. I just discovered this blog and have been obsessively stalking the archives. Some favorites: 15 Tips for a Happier Year, How To Develop Your Own Unique Blogging Voice, and How To Get Sh!t Done Even When You're Totally Unmotivated (my life, right?). (ALSO I'm linking up other there to share goals on Weekly Wishes...check it out!)
+16personalities. I had to do a personality type quiz for my psych class, so I took this one from 16personalities. I'm obsessed. It's basically a combination of Jung and Myers-Briggs theories, with some of their own stuff thrown in. It's only a 12-minute test and the description was scarily accurate (for me, anyways). I'm an INFJ, and reading through all the info was so enlightening!!
+From moi: Heroines Aren't Guaranteed A Hero, 25 Ways To Be (a little more) Fabulous, and Pride and Prejudice.
+From moi: Heroines Aren't Guaranteed A Hero, 25 Ways To Be (a little more) Fabulous, and Pride and Prejudice.
Hope your February was joyful and loving!
Let's make March totally kick-butt, okay?
Happy Weekend! xoxo
PS-I don't particularly like this outfit. I'm not sure if it's the not-quite perfect sweater fit, or the exposed tank top, or the slouch boots that are slouching too much....but I'm just not sure. I like this in theory but not in real life. Le sigh.
headband // walmart, cardigan & belt // thrifted, tank and jeans // jc penny, boots // hand-me-down.