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Sunday, August 24, 2014


So, I'm a senior this year (ah. Still processing). And, guys, I'm so excited.

I have a really good feeling about this year. Things have lined up rather nicely, and lack of life-updates on the blog has not meant lack of excitement. I've had a lot swimming around my head that I've wanted to tell you guys; I've just been waiting for a coherent thought process to do it. Here goes.

+Remember when I got real about skating? Well, I made that team. Come this September, I'll start weekly practices with Theater on Ice of Boston's junior team, Ovation. I'm really, really happy about this, people. I've wanted to compete with a TOI team since I was 12. And for those of you who've been around and read multiple posts about disney, consider this a MAJOR step in the right direction.

+I've worked a lot this summer. Unfortunately work's been a bit up in the air as of late (loooong story...meriting an entire post!), but things are looking up! I worked 20 hours a week for most of the summer, and I'm hoping to get 10 over the school year.

+I did some major goal writing the other night. I went right down the list with deadlines and dates and everything. I'm going to share that process in another post, but let me say this: it left me completely revved up for life in general.

+I'm going to be testing Novice Moves in the Field soon. I'm ecstatic about this, because if I pass, then I only have two more Moves in the Field tests left! For a girl who's not naturally good at footwork, that's really exciting. And, my axels are getting closer...hopefully I'll land one soon!

+School should go well. It really should. Going through my credits, I've put myself in a good place for a challenging, but not dreadful, senior year. I'm taking French 2, Brit Lit, Personal Finance, Sociology/Psychology, and finishing up Economics and Chem from this summer. I'll probably add in another half year course for the spring semester, but I'm not sure yet.

+There's lots of smalls, too: finding the perfect jeans, organizing my room, discovering coffee shops (and making coffee shop plans with skating friends), gift cards to spend on books, coming up with a life mantra (always wanted one!), and this overwhelming feeling of opportunity.

^^That's why I'm excited for this year. Life ahead just looks like one wide expanse. I have so, so many ideas for what I want to fill that canvas with. I feel a direction. But, for the first time, I don't feel limited. Or like I have to wait. I feel like I can start doing things and moving forward right now.

And it feels awesome, exciting, and completely grown up. But it also feels really scary. I honestly can't tell you what I'll be doing this time next year...and while I suppose we could  call that exhilarating, it's also terrifying. I've had anxiety attacks for the first time ever this summer, as well as bathroom-floor-crying moments. I'm still stressed, especially thinking about getting to Boston, work, testing, balancing school, and whatever it is that happens after graduation. But I also have this amazing feeling that I'm on the edge; that if I stretch a little more and spring a little further I'll topple over onto something really good. I feel like every good idea I've ever had can be put into effect. And I feel like I really could accomplish half the things I've ever wanted to. It's terrifying...but I suppose new things are supposed to be terrifying. You do things before you're ready for them, right?

So that's where I'm at right now! As always, thanks for reading! I can't wait to keep up our weekend chats here on the blog...I've got lots of ideas for posts spinning around! Readers are the best, I've got to tell ya. :)


  1. Congrats on making the team! So excited for you!

  2. Your excitement about what lies ahead is so easy to see in every word of this post--I swear, you're making me feel excited too, because it's contagious. :) Also--finding jeans that fit perfectly is practically a miracle, and definitely worth smiling over.

    1. Thanks! And so glad someone understands about the jeans!

  3. Wow, it looks like you have an amazing year ahead of you! So happy that life is looking amazing:)
