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Thursday, September 12, 2013


I had this all written out to post tomorrow, but after lots and lots of craziness, I never got to it. But here it is today. Honestly, what I'm saying isn't something that should be hear only on 9.11, anyway. It's something we as Americans should remember ever day. Thanks. :)


It's now 12 years since the 9.11 attacks. There's still an ache when we think about it. I cry about it every year. But in some ways, the memory has become less vivid. The day still carries on like  normal. There will be the 'where were you?' questions, but otherwise, the day goes on. And really, that's kind of sad.

We need the pain, because it reminds us of our love and loyalty for our country and countrymen.

We need the tears, because it shows we haven't forgotten those that lost their loves.

But we also need the hope, the passion, and the full force of American pride that seems to accompany this day.

So while you're remembering 9/11, don't forget 9/12! Remember the feeling? Everyone said hello to you on the streets? Random strangers helped each other? Families came together?

If one good thing came from 9/11, it was the reminder that Americans are strong in a crisis. We might be going along all hum-drum with our lives, depressed with politics, arguing over laws. But then, something happens that threatens our country, and we are able to pull together. And that, in many ways, is what has made America great.

I really don't know what to say about today, guys. Except to pray. Pray a lot. Ask God to help our country, help those still in pain from 9/11, and be with those in the military still fighting today. Ask Him to please, please keep another 9/11 from us, but please bring 9/12 back. That's a feeling we could really use right now. Pray for our country's leaders, that they might follow Him, and pray that we might always stand up for our country, our families, friends, and neighbors, our Constitution, and our faith.

Just don't forget. Please, never forget.

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