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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

All The Feels Link-Up

'Ello. :) One of my favorite book blogs, The Book Chewers, is hosting an 'All The Feels' challenge for their weekly link-up. I was attempting to do their ABC challenge last week, but I never got it all together, so I'm excited to link-up this time. :)

(Click here for the link-up)
This week, we're talking about the books that really made you feel something. If you add your own post, be sure to tell me in the comments, as I'd love to check it out!

Made me laugh:
Frindle by Andrew Clements. It's an old favorite that never fails to make me giggle, especially in audio book form.

Made me cry:
Boston Jane trilogy by Jennifer L. Holm. I've listed the some of the specific books for certain categories, but I honestly remember crying during every single book. It was like Jane was my best friend, so every time something bad happened, I was personally offended.

Left you depressed:
Night by Eli Wiesel. I read this for lit class, and while I will say it was a good book, it was extremely depressing. I would seriously mope after reading parts of it. To think that people could do such terrible things...

Stunned or shocked you:
In The Bloody of the Bloodhound by L.A. Meyer. I shouldn't have been as surprised as I was, but without spoilers.....I really wasn't expecting the ending.

A book that made you angry:
Buddy: How A Rooster Made Me A Family Man by Brian McGrory. Thought it would be cute, but it just made me angry. It was quite obvious the author had very low morals and had no idea what he was talking about.

Terrified you:
By the Pricking of my Thumbs by Agatha Christie. This is easily my favorite of her mysteries, but it still creeps me out. The old lady with the milk? The missing babies? Terrible.

Close second.....

Wilderness Days by Jennifer L. Holm. You're on a lonely mountain. You've kindly treated a stranger to hospitality. After he leaves, in search of one of the men in the colony, you find out that this man was supposedly dead. Even buried. I read this ages ago, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad a second time around, but man did it scare me!

Makes you feel nostalgic:
From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L. Konigsburg. Aside from all the childhood memories connected to this book, it always makes me feel a little sad. It makes me ache for a different era, it makes me want to be little again, it makes me wish that the world was a little different.

Mixed emotions:
The Claim by Jennifer L. Holm. It was the last in the trilogy, and the last paragraph left me not knowing what to think. Yes, she had made friends, was engaged to the love of her life, and things were finally working out for her. Buuut, everything in their little town was changing, and many people had died. Overall it was very bittersweet.

Thanks for reading! :)


  1. Thanks for linking up! Ugh ... I bet "Night" was super depressing.

  2. I agree Night was very depressing. I enjoyed it, and found it really eye-opening for me. A friend of mine had me read it before we went to a Holocaust museum.

    Love your list:)

    1. Yes, even though I really have no desire to read it again, I'm glad idea. It's the type of thing we really shouldn't forget about.


  3. Oh I love Agatha Christie! She can be so creepy sometimes...
